Wesley at Virginia Tech
Love Out Loud!
Wesley is an affirming, grace-filled community that develops and sends out disciples rooted in faith.

Reconciling Ministry
A Reconciling Ministries Statement
Wesley at Virginia Tech believes that all people are created in the Divine’s image, and are therefore integral to our community. We are called to be a grace filled community where all can explore their faith without condition or preconceived notion. We affirm, support, and celebrate all of God’s children, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, race, age, nationality, physical ability, neurodiversity, socioeconomic status, external affiliations, or any other personal identifier(s). We commit ourselves to fostering a community filled with acts of inclusive love, outspoken care, and intentional hospitality, to be in ministry with all, and serve in the name of Christ, who taught us to love unconditionally.