Alumni and Donors
Your Money and Why It Matters
Wesley at Virginia Tech relies on stewardship to maintain ministry with our students and neighbors. Your stewardship, by prayers, presence, gifts, service, and faithful witness, allows Wesley to continue to be a home for students and allow them to live and grow into their faith in a safe, loving environment. Without your support, Wesley's mission would not be possible. Below you can see why your money matters so much.
Local and Global Missions
Spring Break Mission Trip
Angel Tree Christmas Gifts
Collecting Cake Mixes for the Christmas Store
Mission Days
FUN143 Tutoring
209 Marketplace
Big Event
Other Mission/Service Trips
Keeping the Lights on and Building Standing
Routine Maintenance
Janitorial Supplies
Emergency Fund
Electricity and Heat
Staff Salaries
Assistant to the Director (Kelly)
Director of Development (Paige)
Partial Payment of Bret's salary
Food for Students
Wesley Swag
Fall Retreat
Communities of Grace (Small Groups)
Youth Retreats
Leadership Development
Leadership Retreats
Core Ministry Team
Ministry Area Teams
Student Mentoring/Guidance/Pastoral Care
Office Supplies
We’d love to answer any questions you may have about finance and stewardship. Please feel free to email us at if you'd like more information.