Core Ministry Team
Here at Wesley, we are a team based ministry that thrives on student leadership and fostering a community of growth. One of the ways that we foster leadership growth is through our Core Ministry Team (CMT). This team is made up of each minister for every ministry area, and is led by our Student Campus Minister and Campus Minister.

Nathan Michaelson
Student Campus Minister
Our student campus minister plays a supporting role for the campus minister and core ministry team by helping out and checking in when needed.
Hello! My name is Nathan Michaelson. I am a senior at Virginia Tech majoring in Biological Systems Engineering. I am always impressed with the passion that students bring to Wesley as a campus ministry, whether it be towards their faith, loving neighbors, or day-to-day tasks. I appreciate and cherish this part of Wesley. Outside of Wesley, I enjoy fishing, hiking, watching sports, and trivia.
Olivia Turner
Discipleship Minister
Hey! My name is Olivia Turner. I am a junior at Virginia Tech majoring in Public Relations and minoring in both Sustainability and Spanish. My favorite part of Wesley is all the amazing people. Outside of Wesley, I enjoy doing all things outside, getting coffee, reading, and spending time with friends.
Learn more about our Discipleship Ministry here.

Ben Boles
Fellowship Minister
Hello! My name is Ben Boles. I am a senior at Virginia Tech, majoring in Business Information Technology (BIT). My favorite part of Wesley is the people. When I’m not at Wesley, I can be found at the gym lifting weights, reading, and engaging in occasional (frequent) shenanigans and tomfoolery.
Ella Fitzgerald
Missions Minister
Hey y'all! My name is Ella Fitzgerald. I am a senior in Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech. Wesley is such a loving community that I am proud to be a part of. When I'm not hanging out with these wonderful people, you can find me crocheting or knitting something new, reading, or blasting showtunes in my car. I'm always down to study or hang out together, so don't hesitate to reach out if that's something you want to do!
Learn more about our Missions Ministry here.

Riley Kaufman
Outreach Minister
Hi! My name is Riley Kaufman. I am senior at Virginia Tech, majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Advertising. My favorite part about Wesley is the community that this place brings, and getting to see my favorite people everyday! Outside of my time at Wesley, I enjoy being outside, drinking coffee, and spending time with friends.
Learn more about our Outreach Ministry here.
Nate Birchfield
Worship Minister
Hello! My name is Nate Birchfield. I am a junior at Virginia Tech, majoring in Forestry. My favorite times at Wesley are the unplanned, unstructured hangouts that happen quite often in the building- especially before and after Wednesday worship. It's a lot of fun to talk to and interact with so many people and I really enjoy it! Outside of Wesley, I enjoy being outside. I backpack, run, and rock climb, among many other things. Hope to see you around the building!
Learn more about our Worship Ministry here.